Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New Spring Semester, A New Season of Downton Abbey

January brings with it the promise of a new year, a fresh start, new classes, and a new season of my favorite television series Downton Abbey. Many of my students have never heard of it, which is a little surprising since last year it was the most watched show on Super Bowl Sunday other than the Super Bowl. I suppose that Downton is for those of us who don't watch the Super Bowl, a small minority of Americans indeed (though we do number in the millions).

So what is the attraction of Downton Abbey? Is it the amazingly talented cast? Is it the compelling writing? Is it the impeccable costumes and set? Is it the castle itself? All of these questions can be answered in the affirmative, and together all of these make for fabulous viewing. The show is about rich and poor, love and hate, selfishness and selflessness, nobility and ignominy, life and death. So every Sunday when it is on PBS I am glued to my TV set with a cup of tea and a heart full of hope that the characters I love will find love and happiness, and that the characters I dislike will receive some just punishment for their dastardly deeds.

Won't you tune in too at 9 PM on Sunday nights?

promise (noun) -- expectation
compelling (adjective) -- very interesting
impeccable (adjective) -- perfect
fabulous (adjective) -- excellent
nobility (noun) -- honor
ignominy (noun) -- shame, no honor
dastardly (adjective) -- evil, bad
To be glued to the TV (idiom) -- to be so interested in the TV that you do not want to stop watching it

Vocabulary Exercise
1. When a man behaves in an honorable way, he is showing ______________.
2. Her dress did not have even one mistake in the way it was made. It was _____________________.
3. Downton Abbey is a ___________________ (excellent)  and _______________ (very interesting) story.
4. He stole money from his friend. Such _____________ (bad) behavior is an example of _______________.
5. On Sunday evenings, I can't stop watching Downton. My mother laughs when she sees that I am __________________    __________    ________  _______.
6. Birthdays and New  Year always bring a _____________ of a better year ahead.

Grammar Point: Adjectives are words that describe nouns. There are four adjectives above on the new vocabulary list. Make a list of five other adjectives that you know and use them in sentences.

For the new vocabulary words, draw a picture and copy the definitions and the sentences with the words. Try to write a sentence of your own for each new adjective.