Friday, February 6, 2015

A Great Writing Prompt

Unicorn Express: The Official Melbourne High Competition Writing Blog

A man walks into a bar and sees ...

A man walks into a bar and sees a familiar outline through the smoky haze. He moves silently towards the other side of the room and sits down at a table in the shadows near the back door. He doesn't look in her direction but feels her presence. He orders a high ball and spends some time studying the ice cubes as they begin to melt. When he finally looks across the room, he cannot find that splendid form, that tender silhouette he knows as well as his own. He finishes his drink and meanders towards the door, hoping he will see her, praying he won't see her. Suddenly, the door in front of him opens ...                   (Time's up)


Ms. Werther said...

I love the approach you took for this writing prompt! I haven't written mine yet, but yours has helped me to get a few ideas for my own piece. :)

Ms. D's Grammar Blog said...

I find it a very interesting writing prompt. I believe students of all ages will like to envision their own story using the starter provided. It is definitely a prompt I would love to try out with my students!