Monday, October 20, 2008

What to Do about Halloween

I hope to address some of your questions and comments about celebrating Halloween with your ESL class. Here are a few suggestions:
1. If you are a pull-out teacher, you can probably avoid celebrating it with your ESL students altogether.
2. If you are a push-in teacher, the celebration may also be out of your hands.
3. If you have a self-contained class, then you have to face the issue full on.
4. In any of the three cases, you should explain the holiday. There are some questions that you might want to answer: What are the origins of the holiday? How is it celebrated today? Who celebrates it? What do the various symbols associated with the holiday mean (pumpkins, witches, goblins, skeletons, scarecrows, the devil, and so on)? What does "trick or treat" mean? Why do people dress up in costumes? What are some popular Halloween treats?

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