Friday, January 9, 2009

A New Beginning

The New Year means a new beginning; likewise, a new semester represents a new beginning for both students and teachers. Now we start a new term, a new course, and a new chance to learn new things. So welcome new and old students! I hope that you will enjoy blogging this term and that it will become an integral part of your teaching and learning.


Dr. Evelyn Connolly said...

Hi Jackie,
Just think, on the heels of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, comes the wonderful film Slumdog Millionaire, which I hope you get a chance to see. On the one hand, it's a gripping celebration of the resiliency of the human spirit,and the ability to survive the direst of circumstances--from which we emerge ebullient. On the other hand,it's a raw view of the contemporary world and conditions that can give rise to terrorist recruitment--from which we emerge with a feeling of foreboding! Go see it.

Andrea Honigsfeld said...

I love a new beginning every semester. It makes teaching always fresh, always challenging!