Sunday, April 10, 2011

Upstairs, Downstairs

Resurrected from the film archives? No. A new Upstairs, Downstairs that takes place in 1936 has begun. We have a mere two more episodes to look forward to, but I am already hooked. Almost all the characters are new, but the actors and actresses are veterans, led by the ineffable Jean Marsh from the first series and hidden somewhere in the background the ever-intensely charming and handsome (be still my beating heart) Art Malik (from The Jewel in the Crown series). This is just too much excitement while I am supposed to be focusing on my dissertation.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great show, Jackie. I love the costumes already. Will definitely have to check it out on television.

Have you watched "Keeping up Appearances" lately? Ha!

See you later in class.

Amanda's Grammar Blog said...

I would love to watch this. My mother and my father rave about it !! I think that I need to just sit and watch it as soon as it is on!

Action ESL by Gila said...

I love that era in time. The show looks very interesting. Hope you got your work done as well as watched the show.