Sunday, October 23, 2011

Masterpiece Theater: Classic, Mystery, and Contemporary

I am a self-confessed Masterpiece Theater fanatic. I love the classic stories on Masterpiece Classic, including many of the works of Dickens and Austen, and the great mysteries on Masterpiece Mystery, including Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot series and Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. Masterpiece Contemporary is my least favorite of the three, yet there are many good stories on that too. And if you watch each set of stories (on PBS), the year goes by very quickly.

Now I am eagerly awaiting the return of Downton Abbey, which is set in early 20th century England after the sinking of the Titanic. Season one episodes will be repeated starting Dec. 18th, followed by the new episodes starting on January 8th. My Sunday nights revolve around Masterpiece Theater, though now I have two new favorites that keep me busy all evening: Once upon a Time and Pan Am, both on ABC.

Won't you join me on Sunday nights? Just sit back in your armchair with your remote control. put up your feet, and tune in to Channel 13 at 9 PM. And for Downton Abbey, you should add a cup of hot tea and some scones with clotted cream and jam.

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